
Capacity - supporting children, families and communities

Some Past Projects

Evaluating the Two-Year Old Pilot

in 2010, for Thurrock Council. The evaluation found that the places were found to have been of crucial value for the children involved, supporting speech and language, social skills and general development. 

Children's Centres in Rural Communities

undertaken by Capacity for the Commission for Rural Communities. Provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities of delivering children's centre services in rural areas and the experiences and perspectives of parents of young children

Social Enterprise

supported by NatWest Bank and Thurrock, Barnsley and Hillingdon Councils, Capacity worked with one extended school and two children’s centres and to assist them to work towards becoming full social enterprises.

The local development of each project was linked to training and education for all, job creation and social inclusion. With the aim of securing the sustainability of each project as a social business, the project also represented:

  • A new way of delivering services
  • Ownership by the community
  • Learning for the community’s children and  families
  • Childcare as a tool for regeneration

Early Education and Childcare: Supporting quality and innovation

for Thurrock Council - a study identifying the barriers to quality assurance and change among childcare providers.

Family Learning

a study of the funding environment and review of research into benefits of family learning for NIACE/DFES - identified more than 30 funding streams and described a fragmented delivery environment.

Children’s Centre Vision and Strategy

helping Hillingdon Council to develop a vision for Children’s Centre development.

Assessing parents’ needs for childcare in Thurrock

a study comparing usage and preference for childcare with the available supply.

Early Years Strategy

for Hillingdon Council - a ten-year plan for children under 5 living within the borough to achieve the 5 outcomes for all children by 2015.

Children’s Centre Vision

for Richmond Council - identifying the needs of disadvantaged families and developing a shared multi-agency vision.



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